Moving house can be expensive—the last thing you want is to be screwed over by your moving company.
Real estate wire fraud was responsible for more than $213 million in losses in 2020—find out how to beat this scam and keep your money safe.
Loan flipping scams target the elderly and first-time homebuyers. Learn the red flags of this scam to protect yourself from financial loss or foreclosure.
Scammers are using text messages to impersonate credit unions, tricking you into sending your sensitive information and even money.
Always be wary of strangers trying to sell you "winning" lottery tickets that they can't cash in—they're more than likely trying to scam you out of hundreds of dollars.
Scammers are taking advantage of renters desperate and in a rush to find a new home, stealing thousands from innocent people.
Be careful before clicking on links in Navy Federal emails—scammers impersonate the popular credit union in an attempt to steal your information.
Need to get tested? Only get tested at healthcare facilities or pharmacies, or buy at-home tests that are FDA-approved.
You can fight scammers who order big-ticket items from your Amazon account with a one-time password that stops them from receiving the item.
It may be exciting to receive a letter telling you you've won a huge sweepstakes prize, but before you celebrate, verify the letter first. More often than not, it's a scam.