Beware of fake USPS text messages that claim your address doesn’t match your zip code—it’s a scam to steal your Amazon login credentials.
Fabulous wealth and life-changing prizes aren't always what's to be expected after receiving a call from PCH—it could just be a scam to steal your information and money.
Netflix has never offered a free subscription for an entire year. If you receive this offer from "Netflix," it's a scam.
When booking your next travel destination via Airbnb, be sure to always pay using the site's online system, or you could be scammed out of your money.
Multiple free money scams that easily fall under the “too good to be true” scams that target loyal PayPal users with promises of free PayPal money.
If you ever need to check your Facebook account, always log in directly from the app or by typing in the URL. Don't trust every link you receive in your email.
PayPal is a convenient way to pay for online purchases and has a reputation for safety and security. But scammers still find a way to use PayPal to help them steal products.
Scammers take advantage of PayPal's buyer protection program to scam sellers out of their money and items for sale.
Not every phone call from a government agency is legit, in fact, the majority of calls that have a "Social Security Administration" caller ID are actually from scammers.